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Meet Michaela Page

The second year at CMU is exciting. It’s a time to dive into your academics, explore new activities and take advantage of opportunities you may not have known about as a first year student. 


For many students, however, the second year can also bring some challenges: leaving your tight-knit first year house community, the search for that perfect internship experience, and balancing the many commitments between classes, research, work and activities that many of you do on a daily basis on campus. 


This year, Student Life is launching a new initiative we are calling Y2@CMU.  In partnership with other offices across campus, we want to help set up sophomores to have success in every way. This program primarily serves our second year students who live in campus housing, however any second year CMU student is encouraged to participate in this new initiative. We hope that by taking advantage of Y2@CMU programs sophomores will: 


  • Enhance their connections to peers, staff and faculty

  • Engage in opportunities to expose and enrich their experiences of diversity on and off campus

  • Develop and strengthen their abilities to be critical thinkers, reflect deeply and grow in self-awareness and identity

  • Explore academic and professional interests through programming led by peers and creative experiential endeavors


Michaela is a Housefellow in the Student Life Office charged with overseeing the Y2@CMU program.  She also manages Shirley and Wesbter hall.  Michaela graduated from Smith College with a B.A. in Psychology and Theatre and Boston University with a M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration.  She is currently in her second year here at CMU.  Michaela also enjoys singing and hanging out with her beloved pets.  Want to get in touch with Michaela?  Just use the contact box below!

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